Well here I am ! Im finally here in belo horizonte! Madness, I know! I am feeling a gazillion different things, but mostly, just safe. Safe, peaceful and loved. It was weird to leave my companion and receieve a new one. My new companion is named Sis. Ferreira. Shes from Belem Brasil.
Oh my, I dont even know how to fit the past week into one email. Its been interesting. For some reason plane rides make me onery, but aside from that, I havent felt sad or anything like that at all! Just excited! Its very different here. OH! heres big news: for me anyway:
I was really stressed about the whole eating meat thing, and praying about it, and stressing because when I tried to eat it in the mtc, it made me really sick, etc, etc- but once I arrived here in belo - and had to eat it because there really is nothing else besides meat and rice, beans too- I can eat it just fine. It doesnt taste bad, it doesnt make me sick, and its not gross to think about. MILAGRE!
My mission is AMAZING! The missionaries in my mission are incredible. The brasilians are such a happy loving people! I bore my testimony in this big meeting with all of them, and they were all like "oh wow! you sound spanish!" haha.
I definitely dont know the language yet, but I think I have an ok foundation to learn. Especially since my companion is brasilian, I´ll be learning pretty fast.
RANDY!!! I meant to write you last time and tell you happy birthday! How was that? How do you feel?? What did you do for your birthday?
WENDEE AND MIKE!! Happy anniversary forever! I meant to write you two as well. Im so proud of you two, youre amazing! Happy everything to you!
Alex! I love your guts! I wrote you snailmail today, youll get it soon I think.
Hey guess whats cool about my mission- we all get cell phones! Cool huh? I dont care to use it, but its cool because I feel so safe, like I can call my district leaders and whatnot if I need anything. Its so cool. My mission president is seriously amazing.
Anyway, So yeah. Im in brasil! Tomorrow Im going to get a ticket recommendy thing to go to the satelite transmission of the Curitiba temple that is being dedicated on the 1st.
I dont have much time so just a couple more things:
to send me snailmail, send it to my mission home address. Its the fastest best way for snailmail, they have told us.
Otherwise email. Woot! Ok, well all is well here! I will send pictures when I can, but I dont really know when that will be.. I love you all!
Robbie, tell Becca thanks for the letter, shes amazing and I love her, and I will write her as soon as I can! and you should write me sometime too!
Eu amo vocês!!!! tchau tchau!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Posted by Karen Samuelson Ricks at 11:01 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Suzie's Last Week in Sao Paulo
Ok! Well! I have a million things to write! First off- I have to apologize for whining so much last week about not receiving letters. Looking back I was very homesick, but didn~t realize it. I´m doing well now. Still missing all of you, but more focused and motivated.
2 AWESOME things that happened this week:
1. Sis. Julie Beck gave a satelite transmission RS conference that was INCREDIBLE! I wish I had the time or words to have you all understand the magnatitude that this meeting has had on me! Alas, I have little of either. BUT- I want to invite all of you sisters to REALLY take you RS callings (including VT) more seriously. Don´t just go through the actions- LOVE your sisters!! With everything you´ve got!!! Please please please!!! This world so badly needs as much love as it can get- be part of the loving side!! Everyone! love everyone!
Seriously though.
2. Elder Bednar came to visit us!!! It was AMAZING!!!!! And I can truly testify that he is an Apostle of God. He gave me so much strength, and I feel like he was speaking right to me sometimes. An interesting part of the talk was when he explained how the misison calls are assigned. I don~t have the time to explain however, so you~ll just have to live in suspence until I get home. Sorry.
I went proselyting this last friday. It was very interesting. I dont know how but satan REALLY got a hold on my anxiety button, so I was almost paralyzed. THANKFULLY I have an amazing companion and an incredible Heavenly Father, and we talked to a lot of cool people. .... in english..
Yeah, Im not sure why, but everyone who we happened to talk to -happened to speak english. Strange I know.
This is my last week in the CTM, and although I was TERRIFIED of leaving a few days ago, Im feeling the strength and the excitement of leaving the birds nest.
One of my teachers, sis. Vasques is AMAZING! She is unbelievably sweet. Shes helped alot through this week. She buys sis. Hodgson and I little presents all the time. And today- her day off- she hung out with us for probably 2 hours. So sweet.
I wish I had more time to respond to all the whatnot of the family and all, but Im running particularly short :S
Oh Im so mad! I wrote down a bunch of stuff to write you, but I left it in my room!! Bah! Im starting to think snailmail has its perks..
Anyway, this week has been awesome. Im SO EXCITED!!!! Im so excited to just jump in and work!! Im pumped and ready to go!! So next terca-feira I wont be able to write, cause I´ll be traveling to belo horizonte!!
To every and anyone:
EMAIL ME PICTURES!!! It brightens my life!!! :D
[Mom! Im so excited for your choir thing! Ive been singing in the Ctm choir. oh Im going to miss that.. Your internship sounds incredible!! Boa Sorte!! I have tons more to say, but i´ll have to snail mail it.]
[BECKY!!!!!!!!!!!! Im so glad to hear from you!! I literally am out of time, so this is going to be short, but I am SO HAPPY for you with all the graduating excitement!! Lol, yeah, so pretty much was EXACTLY what you predicted about the mohawk story- More leaning towards the "YEAH DUDE!" I love living vicariously through you.
AH! Youre playing shows!!! Im totally there in spirit!!! Im still your number one fan!! I miss jamming. We jam missionary style here, every once in a while. Anyway, Im praying for you love. I miss you like crazy. I know that God loves you Becky- i think if you take some time to really soak that in- really dude, take some time to pray to feel that love- and things will be easier for you. I promise. Hey, just email straight to my account. 1. because its more private, only i read it when you email 2. because apparently my mom isnt mailling me the comments on there.. maybe she thinks I can check it, but Im not allowed so... EMAIL! Everyday if you want!!! I would love to hear from you that often! I love your guts! Be safe! Dont forget that I love you eternally!!! -com amor]
K Well Im officially late!!! So Im sorry for all the things I left unsaid, but I love you all!!!!!!!!!
Moroni 8:3
Posted by Karen Samuelson Ricks at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
This is definitely the 3rd time Ive started this letter. Bah!
Ok, well I wanted to send you some pictures, but I havent figured out how to add the pictures. Its ridiculous.. anyway, so I~ll just tell you about life.
So today was pretty cool, Sis. Julie Beck spoke at a devotional. Apparently the FIRST (persay) MTC in brasil was in her GARAGE because her dad was the 1st mission president here in brasil and so he would train the missionaries for a few days in their garage. MAdness! So cool! It was cool to see her speak portuguese.
Apparently Elder Bednar is coming on maio 19! Sweeeeeet..
As far as life goes, everything is well.. Going! FAST too. I only have 2 more weeks here in the CTM. Next Pday is my last here :s ah!
Most of me is TERRIFIED because I don~t feel terribly strong in TEACHING in the language, but I have a testimony of the Holy Ghost speaking in every language, so I know I~ll be ok. As for day to day language stuff, its been touch and go. More or less I can understand everyone all the time. There are a group of brazilans going to
This week has actually been a bit more rough than the other ones. I can´t really describe it really, but it was just harder all around. Thankfully the lord blesses me SO much, and I have felt His strength a lot this week as well.
My teachers are AWESOME. My afternoon professora Irmã Vasques gave Sis. Hodgson and I each a GORGEOUS metal butterfly clip with irredecent (someone please help my spelling.. meg?) rinestones (novamente..) She´s SO sweeT ! And a very good teacher.
My evening Professor Irmão Lima is HILARIOUS. He randomly starts speaking portuguese with a "french" accent. Its probably the funniest thing Ive heard in my life.
This week my brasilian roommates went off into the field :( Muito triste para mim, mas muito legal para elas.
I wish I had the time or words to express sufficiently the amazing things I have learned this week, but I have a feeling they wouldn´t mean as much to anyone else. BUT Im trying to be really good at writing in my journal so that I can better share once I get home.
CAN YOU BELIEVE IM IN BRASIL?!:!?! I usually don´t notice because Im always in the same building, but everynow and then it just HITS me! Wow!
How is everyone? Minha família- porque vocês nunca escrivir para mim? Vocês morrerem?
Wendee!! Thanks for writing me! Youre awesome! How was your mothers day? How was everyones mothers day? I sent out a card for vocês.
Mom could you keeping doing the family recap? Cause I feel a bit lost otherwise (I don´t hear anything about the family coming-and-goings)
As far as friends goe:
Write Me!!! Jared (My pal, and Megs cousin) gets kudos this week for being AWESOME and writing me! I´ll write you back as soon as I can, k amigo? I don´t have the time right now though.
So I´ll just leave you with this thought:
From all the things Ive learned this week I think one of the most amazing things is one of the most basic and most frequently heard- but PLEASE! Soak this in! Its TRUE! Its more true than we can even comprehend in this life!:
Deus nos ama!!! God loves us!
Every single thing He does for us is FOR our Happiness! And if we don~t recognize that in our lives we miss out on FEELING His love! Families! Our homes, our friends, the strengths He has given us! Every happiness we enjoy in this life is given to us because He loves us! I promise this is true, I hope everyone can feel His love in your life. And as we draw closer to Him, He will just CONTINUE to bless us that much more!!
I know that my Father in HEaven loves me for a million reasons, but I am often brought to immense amounts of gratitude when I think about the amazing people in my life.
K! Eu amo vocês para sempre!
[Becky! I miss you! I was reading your band stuff again today, that you sent me when I was in
[danny- I got a letter from you! Im writing you a response hoje. Is cheo with you, or do you know where I can write him? Do you know why he´s being such a LOSER by not writing me??!?!? jk, but seriously, tell him he needs to pick up his old habits from our penpal days! :) Youre awesome danny! Keep it up! ]
[Meg!!! Are you dead?!?! Is your mom dead?!?! IS YOUR WHOLE FAMILY DEAD?!?! I love your guts. email me! I had stuff to tell you but Ive forgotten it all now. maybe I~ll remember next week. KLOVEYOUBYE! **But seriously, you used to email me everyday when I went to SCHOOL with you everyday!WHILE talking on the phone WHILE blogging you WHILE msnMessaging you.. you can kick one down once a week now can´t you?? Give me some love. XD****]
[Once again, Mom, youre the best EVER! I cant even say it enough! Sometimes I just say it outloud to whoever is around because I cant say it enough (Im not joking) Please forgive me if I hurt your feelings at all! Thank you so much for being amazing! Ps- I use your journals you made me everyday! Woot! amo amo amo amo amo amo amo você!]
oh hey, Im not sure how to send me packages once I get into the field. Ill have to find out. maybe you could email my mission pres? I dont know if you have his address though.. Oh I have to go, Im so out of email time.. byeeeeee
Posted by Christina at 4:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I´m writing everyone- EVERYONE one letter. I´ll put brackets for specific people, but the blog thing sounds fantastic. spread the word like wild fire...
So this week has been kinda crazy! Not in momumentous ways, but just how fast time flies, how much work it is, and how much food i eat....
Mostly fruit though. I do believe I~m a papya addict about now. AS WELL AS sugar. My sugar addiction has made quite an impression I guess, because all the elders in my district give me all the candy the receive.. it is AWESOME. Something cool that happened to me this week is my teacher Irmão Lima gave me a WHOLE bunch of sheet music from those church song books by.. whats her face... uh.. (like the song "I walk by faith" do you know what I´m talking about?) Anyway, so that~s fun.
[mom: Hey if there is anyway to send me a new alarm clock, I lent mine to some brazilian sisters down the hall, and they don~t have one, so maybe sometime send me another? Its not a big hurry,and maybe they´ll be able to buy one, but if you send a package, that´d be cool. Also, thanks for being awesome. I bought you a mothers day card today, but it probably won~t get there on time, but know that I´ll be thinking of you and miss and love you lots! Here at the CTM we talk about families alot, and its fun to tell people about you because you´re so rad. I show everyone your books, and everyone oo´s and awes over them. I love you! Also when were you and papi sealed? and what do you suppose is going to happen with our family in relevence to that whole- we´re sealed to you, but then you two got divorced- jazz? Just curious about your thoughts on the matter. I´ll snailmail you my 1st temple experience, and possibly a few more. maybe. Hey did you receive a CD with all my pictures from the MTC on it? If so- PLEASE email me and let me know. IF NOT, Please email me and let me know! B/c if you have them I can delete them off my memory card, if not, I will send it to you again. Savvy? Hey you can email me pictures did you know? ]
THAnkfully, sis. Jacqueline M. Hodgson is still my companion, and still awesome as ever! She and I received a large sum of candy yesterday from our teachers, consiquently we both stayed up laughing until midnight (I SWEAR we tried to go to sleep on time!! The lights were off! We were in our beds!!! It was madness!!) But thankfully our brazilian roommates were apparently wired too because they stayed up laughing with us as well. It made me feel pretty awesome (language-wise) that I can joke and talk to my braziilan roommates. Theyre adorable. Their names are Sis. Braga and Sis. Menegotto. Both are converts to the church, and VERY sweet girls.
[Hey Alex! I sang "scripture power" in portuguese with the CTM choir on sunday, and thought of you! It was lots of fun! when I Get back we can sing it together- you in english, and me in portuguese- it~ll be fun :D ALso, they have LOTS of transformer stuff here, and it always reminds me of you! I love you! I miss you tons!]
They have the coolest stationary here! Anyway, that´s unimportant-
As for interesting things, Sis. Hodgson and I wandered around São Paulo today, and were admiring the tagging. Some of it is so pretty. We aren´t allowed to take our camera outside of the CTM though, so I don~t have any pictures of anything.
As for the lessons and things, we had an AMAZING devotional about the Atonement. It was incredible. And my district is so amazing! They are such spiritually powerful men. I hear a lot about other districts having a hard time focusing, and maintaining spiritual dignity, but my district doesnt. I feel so blessed. We have a good time though! We have lots of fun. Our teachers are incredible- such good people.
[Michael! Tell me some missionary stories! I think of you all the time, because I realized I don~t know much about your mission! Sheesh! Oh and I would LOVE to hear mission stories from marin as well, it would be motivating to me to hear different ways to serve the lord!! BTW Marin, sorry I never told you happy birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! How long is your hair these days? Hey, email me some pictures of you kids!
Robbie, how is life??? What~re you doing with yourself these days? Are you going to take that roadtrip with Ashley and Britt when they go back to utah? Sad day, I can~t imagine VF3 without them! Are you eating zwahlens for me? Take care of yourself!]
Oh sad news, I lost my coat. Yeah, left it on the bus on the way to the airport :( sorry mom...
Anyway, So apparently my blood is a hot comodity for the mesquitoes here, because I have been bit COUNTLESS times. And the number grows daily. The funny thing is Sis. Hodgson and I thought it was fleas. Because the bites looked weird to us, and I dunno! But yesterday we were talking to sis. Menegotto, and she explained the difference between mesquito bites and flea bites. Sis. Hodgson is still suspicious..
Sis. H and I are doing a musical number in sacrement meeting this sunday. WOOT. Fun huh?
[Meg and Becky:Have either of you seen the music video to the colbie colay song "realize" Cause she is DEFINITELY driving younger version of my car! Woot! yeah, thats completely unrelated to missionary anything.. as is this: I was doing something in my bedroom the other day, and the window was open, and the neighbors music was so loud I could hear it. I didn´t think much about it until I recognized it- it was a brazilian band COVERING DAMIEN RICE!!!!! My brain exploded! It was so much happiness that distracted me for like 2 days. It was wonderful. I hope I don~t hear again for the whole rest of my mission..
I sent you both letters today, but theyre way late, so yeah.. sorry.. I wrote them last week, then ran out of time to mail them. :s ha, I gave Elder Francis my " not trunky" tie pin a couple days ago, cause he talks about home like he lives there..
How is life though??? MEG! Thanks for the pics! you´re amazing! Becky! Email me some pictures! Because I miss your face!!!
Seriously though, you two are amazing. Meg, tell your parents hullo, and i love and miss them. Is matt alive? I hope he~s doing well. Are you going to take my cat? I´m worried about her :( ]
[Christina & Wendee: Hi!!! I miss my sisters!!! I love your guts!! Sharing a room again brings back lots of memories! I~m glad we were able to share a room for so long. Hey guess what! I can french braid! I wasnt really sure if I could, but I tried it out- and BA BAM! I can! Parabens, right? Yeah... K well I love you both! Tell your adorable little families hi for me! Hey Christina, when I get back will you teach me spanish? I~ll teach you portuguese! :D]
[PAPI write me sometime sheesh! I love you!!! How are things?]
[Matthew!!! I scheduled in time to write you a letter today, but things got switched around and I~m not sure Im going to have the time I wanted to write you a good long one- SO Heres whatchu get:
Hi! I love you! MAtthew, you are so rad! I heard you went to prom! How was that? WHy are you so old? How are you doing? Are you working? Matthew, thank you so much for being the awesome example you have been to me! Your integrity is priceless- never forget it! Keep working on strengthening your testimony ok? There is no such thing as a testimony strong enough to quit working on it- k? I love you! Please write me!]
[Randy!!!!!!!!!! Write me! There are a million motorcycles here, and I keep ACHING to learn how to drive, so Ive decided when I get back i need to learn PRONTO, and then I want to take a biiiiiiig road trip through south america on a motorcycle. Ludacris, I know, but still, something I want to do.. SO GET READY to teach me!! :D Hey, so you should write me someday.. itd be cool... cause you know.. i like you.
AND you KNOW you can email me! Dont TRY and tell me you dont check your email everyday.. XD anyway..]
From my original district some people left today, and it was WEIRD! It was like watching a member of the family leave our little haven. (we´re all in different districts now, but in provo we were all in one.) Its interesting to see how different people react to leaving the CTM. I myself have 3 weeks left. since I went INTO the CTM a week early, I stay IN for an extra week so that I~m back on track. I personally am grateful for the extra time to prepare!!! Although 3 weeks is creeping away from me it feels. time FLIES here, like seriously FLIES!!!! Its insane!
I had a cool experience last week, do you remember how Ive been saying I feel like being an architect is something I need to do- yet I couldnt quite figure out how to make it all figure in with my other life goals? Well I figured it all out. its SWEET. I´ll have to tell you (all) about it sometime when I have time. Alas, Im out of time. Who knew it takes SOO LONG to write emails! Well I hope all is well with everyone!
Anyway, things are going great, Im loving my life more than words can express! I love the gospel of Jesus Christ! And I know that our Redeemer lives- I know this to be true with all of my heart.
Alma 7:11-14 -read it and PONDER! Eu Amo vocês!!! Com todo meu coração!!
Muito obrigada por todos vocês ... uh.. fazer.. para mim.. i~m sure that was supposed to be conjugated some how- alas, I cant remember.. so there.. KLOVEYOUBYE!!
ps mom- there is no such thing as a limit to how many times you can email me!! Please email me every and anytime you feel so inclined! ^o^
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Posted by Karen Samuelson Ricks at 11:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
How to send mail to Suzie
At this point in time, it is impossible to send mail to Suzie. She is only allowed e-mails from immediate family. And snail mail takes about three weeks, which is about how long she will be in the Brasil MTC. There is no pouch service to Brasil, so we will have to be patient until she gets assigned to her first area. Sorry! She will be relieved once she gets settled in a place for a while and can get mail. In the meantime, I am e-mailing her every week so if you post a short comment on this site I will attach it to my e-mail for her. ~Karen~
Posted by Christina at 9:55 AM 1 comments
April 29, 2008
WELL! Its true I´m here!!!! I`m having a blast too!! I love the CTM (brasil MTC) Its an amazing place. I am growing SO much! Its almost inconprehensible. The past couple days have probably been some of the amazing days of my life. Today we went to the São Paulo Temple. Its gorgeous. Ive made a lot of friends, and even have two brasilian roommates. Its unbelievable how hard it is to talk to brasilians though. I understand almost all of it when they speak (unless theyre from Rio, and then I can´t understand them at all.. unfortunately one of my FAVORITE sisters is from there, Sis. Menegotto. She´s adorable.. anyway). The other hard thing about it is they all love to speak english (those that took it in school) so its really easy to just try and speak english with them..Anyway, so driving from the airport to the CTM was a sweet ride, but it didn´t really hit me that I wasn´t in utah. Its ENTIRELY different, but it still didnt hit me. Today however, we were driving to the temple and I realized it. It hit me pretty well. It was a mix between adrenaline and sheer . It was awesome. One of my professors is from Belo Horizonte, so I´m trying hard to learn the accent from him. Most times I feel like I know very little when it comes to the language (like yesterday when Sis. Hodgson and I taught the 2nd lesson to some brasilian missionaries..) Other times I think I´ve got a bit of a grip (like during class when the teachers TEACH in somente português, and I understand everything, so rad.) Its an interesting experience all in all. I´ve been asked to learn the national anthem on the piano (brasilian anthem that is) to play for tuesday night devotionals. Its kinda scary, but cool. I also am the ONLY pianist in my district, which means I play every song, every sunday. 0.oI wanted to thank EVERY member of my family, once again for being so amazing!!! This past week I have become electrically aware of how INCREDIBLY blessed I am. I can´t even put into words how grateful I feel for the amazing family I have. The world here is VERY different from America- which is a very ¨duh¨ statement, and everyone says that, but there is no way to describe how incredibly blessed our family is. SO blessed. I was thinking about how everyone in one way or another has to ¨fight¨to get onto their missions. There is always opposition. And I thought I had a bit, throughout the years just prior to my mission, and whatever- but I´m realizing, I really didn´t have to fight very much. The Lord has blessed me SO much. The one thing that has really impressed me the past little while is the support of my family. I don´t even know how to express how much it means to me how EASY it was to have your support with this decicion. I´ve taken Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many things for granted in my life (like, every single thing ever) But one of the things I regret most is taking the love and support of my family for granted, and I´m SO sorry. I love each and every one of you with all my coração, and I pray for you todos os dias.
Another thing I took for granted was oatmeal. I miss grits and oatmeal.. and spinach..But the FRUIT here is INCREDIBLE!! flavors I never even dreamed of! It´s pretty sweet.. Oh hey, I just found the " key on this keyboard.. sweeeeeeeet...Anyway, So things are good.Eu quero compantilhar com vocês uma experiência eu tive esta semana proxima.... Not specifically, but a vague descrição (don´t judge my português, I´m still learning..)Anyway, I`ve learned this week com FORÇA, que meu Pai Celestial, respostas minha perguntas. Sempre. Eu sei com TODO meu coração- God speaks to His children. It is the greatest blessing in my life- and there is NO other explination other than it is because He loves us.It is the basis of our existance, it is the reason we are here- why we have families- why we have every good thing in our lives! Because God loves His children.Eu não tehno mais tempo, então, I´m going to take off, but I love you all so much!!!! Email is the best and fastest way to send me things. It takes about 3 weeks for snailmail. so if you were to send me something snailmail today there is a VEEEEERY slim chance it would get here before I left the CTM. Very slim. SO- Family- email, but writing letters is MUCH more personal and enjoyable- but until I get out into the field where I~m a little more stable, it´s not terribly practicle. [Mom: I might start sending you a "friends" email to send to meg/becky etc. B/c otherwise it will take me 3 weeks at a time to correspond with them. Let me know what you think... ]OK well I love you all! I am indescribably happy! (and I mean that in more ways that one, because where I~m at right now, I can~t speak english OR portuguese.. its pretty.. fun.. lol)I apologise to all of the people that I mailed my email address to with "myldsmail.COM"... yeah its ".net" ... whoops..Thanks to Michael for the email! I don´t have time to write a personal email back this week, but I will for sure next week. Generallly that´ll be how I write back: you write me, and then I´ll write you back, but I´ll try to remember to make time for those who haven´t written me yet, I know life is crazy and its hard to write!!! But mine is too.. :pHey chelsey! thanks for the note! Tell randy he´s grounded for not writing me too! I sent a letter to my mom (and wendee..) about how to send packages to the CTM, but unless you send it like.. today.. its unlikely I´ll still be at this address. SO I´ll have to send you my address next week for my mission home. OUT OF TIME! LOVE YOU BYE!
Posted by Christina at 9:44 AM 0 comments