Well!!! Here I am sitting at Montes Claros on a Thursday morning. Why you ask? Because I just drove 11 hours down to Belo Horizonte and then turned around and drove 8 hours back then MISSED the bus back to Janaúba, so now we have to wait for the next one. which SUCKS because that means our day is DESTROYED and I have a BILLIONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN things to do before 5pm tonight, there in Janaúba.. bah.. Anyway.
So. That’s why I’m writing on Thursday instead of Wednesday (being that I was on a bus until 7:30 in the morning, then in a meeting until noonish- then waited at the bus station until we got on the bus again from 2:30 until 12 at night, there just wasn’t time to jump in a internet cafe..)
The transfer meeting was a blast though. Its always a bit chaotic because everyone is there seeing old friends (past companions and members of past districts or zones) so everyone is REALLY hyper. Its fantastically fun. We don’t even do anything extra ordinary, we just get there, wait for the meeting to start, then after the meeting say goodbye. But its always really fun. I was grateful they let me go all the way down to BH, usually the sister that isn’t getting transferred has to stay up in the north with a sister in the ward or something. So I’m glad.
BUUUUUT!!! I’m sad to see Sis. Sorenson go! I can´t believe how fast 4 ½ months go! It feels like we´ve been best friends for years, not just a few months. But I´m excited for her. She´s such an incredible person, it´d be a shame to not share her with multiple countries. It was SO cute to see the branch members say goodbye though. They LOVE her! They gave her presents, and some of them bawled their eyes out. It was really sweet.
My new Companion is Sister Lima. She is from a state that I don´t know how to spell, so I´m not even going to try, but she´s from the north of brasil. She´s ADORABLE. I´ve only had a few hours with her but I can tell already she´s going to be a BLAST to work with. She´s JUST what Janaúba is needing! And me too! christina, I think you would like her, her spunk reminds me of yours.
oh crap, I just realized I have 5 more minutes. ENTÃO
This past week has been amazing! You´d think that Sis. Sorenson would be trunkyville- but she was still just as focused as ever on the work. In fact, I think she gave more in that last week than usual. She´s incredible. Anyway, so I´d LOVE to tell you about Maria (Feliz as we like to call her) and her family and their progression- but I´ll have to next week.
AND MORE!!! But quick shout outs:
-GWEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you xAbillion for the christmas package!! I´m especially fond of the christmas tree!!!!! You are the BEST!!! I miss you like my right arm! (were I ever to lose it..) Give all the boys my love, and a big hug for you and richard as well!!
- Danny! Thanks for thinking of me! I miss you pal! Melhores!
-Wendee! Thanks for sending me the pic, it didn’t work to see it,but I´ll look at it next week.
K! Love you all!!! Até semana que vem!
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