Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Love your guts

Oh my. Where do I begin..
I´m in a strange place. Because my companion is “dying”. She is getting ready to go home. She has as much time LEFT as I have ON the mission. I´m learning SO much, and I´m SO flattered and grateful to be here! But I´m having a hard time not thinking about going HOME (not early, just in general) Because its always on her mind, and she talks about it.
The past couple days have been REALLY interesting, because opposition has been so crystal clear. Right now sis. Shepherd and I are teaching a bunch of people, but specifically we´re teaching these two families who are AMAZING! Tonight Ana, Paulo Henrique and Marcos venicious are getting baptized! Woo! But it´s been a lot of work to keep them safe from the inimigo!!! We went to the zoo with their whole family today= it was so awesome! I took lots of pictures..
Ive yet to learn how to email pictures though, so for all of you who have requested pictures, I´m sorry.
Anyway, the only thing Im bummed about is that Ana´s husband, Henrique, ha s to work!!! But we planned their baptism AROUND him so that he COULD be there.. grr… he´s a cool guy though, he served a mission here in BH! But then ten years ago, mais ou menos, he left the church (not really for anything though, I think he just started working on Sundays.) So its really cool seeing him react to his family getting baptized. They are a special family for SURe.
The other family we are teaching is rad too. The kids had their interviews yesterday and are all pumped to get baptized this Saturday, so we´re trying to prepare their parents to be baptized shortly after them. Their parent´s like us, and love our messages, and are good good people, its just hard to teach them because they have a class they´re taking at night, so its hard for them to have time to be taught. But the WHOLE family came to church last Sunday!! Wooo!!

So anyway, things are going well!! But opposition has really been apparent to me this week. I can see how the inimigo works on each one of us individually- and its WAY easy to see it happening to other people. But its been a bit of work recognizing it in my life. HOWEVER- once I recognize it- its very VERY obvious.

Mom, you asked questions about my neighborhood and whatnot:
- I live in a house. Its kinda like a duplex, there is a member who lives on the other side of our house. She´s pretty cool. The stake pres. Lives behind us, and he owns our house. So it’s a rad place to be. My neighborhoods are pretty good neighborhoods too, lots of families!

I DO have to take cold showers, but its because the heating system of the water takes so long that by the time Im done with my shower its only starting to get room temperature…
But oh well. I just imagine I´m a kid playing in the sprinklers again, and for some reason that makes the cold ok.

Funny story about today:
Sis. Shepherd turned on the water for the washer machine, then hopped in the shower thinking I would turn it off (she didn´t ask though..) . I went into another room though and forgot about it, and it flooded our whole kitchen.. whoops.. But we mopped the floors of our whole apartment with it, so it didn´t go to waste!

Oh sis. Shepherd is super rad, before the mission she was a nurse, so she´s all sorts of smart with health things. But in general she´s just really fun! It´s so easy to get a long with someone I can communicate with, and I´m starting to get scared of transfers already.. I´d like to “kill” her though, but its unlikely I´ll stay her companion until she leaves (for home, sabe)

Oh hey, I found out it IS allowed for parent´s to pick missionaries up- as long as it´s cleared with the mission pres. First, and planned out, you know? So tell papi to come get me at the end of my mission! I´d love it! You too mom!

Robbie, to kill time during our investigators baptismal interviews yesterday we played “MASH”. Apparently you´re going to marry my companion. Just so you know. She´s going home in sept so be ready.. haha
Also, do you remember that “ they might be giants” song “rock to tie a string around” ? Yeah, that´s real here. The kids we´re teaching play with strings with rocks tied to them. Yeah. It was cool to see.

WENDEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY COW!!!! Your lip is AMAZING!! Geez, start sleeping in a net or something!!! Yikes!! That’s crazy! You´re ok though eh? I miss you! Is your hair doing anything cool these days? How´re my boys???? Im teaching a family with lots of little boys, so this week I´ve had some VERY SEVERE dutch er withdrawels! Tell them I love them and not to forget me while I´m gone!!
ALEX! Write me dangit! I miss your guts!