Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oi! Como a gente está?

This week has been pretty darned good! Just for kicks I decided to take my alarm clock with me everywhere, because it has a thermometer in it, and I was curious as to what the temperature is these days. So we were teaching a lesson at 7pm, and Sis. Sorenson turns to me and asks what the temp is.
90 degrees my friends. INSIDE a house at 7PM. It was crazy! That´s just a peek at the heat here. It´s borderline hilarious some days. But strangely, my body is adapting! It doesn´t give me migraines anymore, and sweating buckets has become a way of life for me…
The other day we walked to a neighborhood that we call “no final do mundo” the end of the earth, because it is SO far away from everything! But it´s a rad little neighborhood. The reason I tell you this is because I was going to show you pictures. But this computer s me, so pictures will have to be next week. Which is too bad because I don´t know where I´m going to BE next week since next wed is TRANSFERS!!! Aaaaaaah!! I can´t believe how fast this transfer went by! Its just like Jacob said in Jacob 7:26 “the time passed away with us.. like as it were a dream…”
Has 6 weeks really gone by???
Anyway, last Saturday we had a baptism! Woot! His name is Welligton. He´s SUCH a good kid. He´s so friendly and happy, and just excited about life. The best part of the night was when he got out of the water, then he looked at Sister Sorenson and I and then made this motion with his hands implying that he felt all his sins wash away. I don´t even know how to describe it with words, but it was so AWESOME! He felt it! He felt the purification that comes from the healing waters of baptism. It was priceless. **this is where I WOULD insert pictures of the baptism, but alas, this computer has decided to reading USB ports..**
A few awesome scriptures that I read this week:
-Proverbs 22:6 Parent´s, this one´s for you!
Also, I had a thought;
So as a missionary we ask a lot of questions, to try and get to know the people, and find out what they´re searching for in life (and then show them how its found through the gospel of Jesus Christ! It sounds like a hard task, but in reality, everything leads back to Him, so it´s just awesome to see.) One of the questions we ask is “Que está faltando em sua vida para você ser mais feliz?” What is missing in your life for you to be more happy? And people USUALLY say something about Peace. That this world is “faltando muito paz” And it´s true. This world IS lacking a lot of peace. But looky here: D&C 59:23 If we want peace, we need to MAKE it.
Start with ourselves, our own homes, and then work to help those around us have more peace and love in their lives.
Oh my goodness, this morning I was reading in D&C 93, and it was amazing! I love the scriptures! But anyway, I realized the Lord´s commandments and guidance is given to us because we ASKED for it. We ASKED to become like Him, and He´s given us the recipe. It´s not variable, it´s not a guess or suggestion- it’s the facts. And its for OUR good! Think of this- someone says to you “So, you asked me for a chocolate cake, so now I´m requiring of you to eat this incredible chocolate cake I made for you.” And then being like “no, but I think I would be more satisfied with eating garbage. Yeah, this garbage on the street looks good..” That´s what we´re doing when we are refusing to keep the commandments. Not are we NOT getting what we want and what we asked for, but we´re getting NOTHING in the place of it.
We all have the potential of become gods. He´s given us all of the TOOLS and all of the INSTRUCTIONS and various teachers to guide us through every single step.
Its just our responsibility to DO it! It’s a very daunting task, its true, but the Lord has already promised that it is possible.
How incredible is that?
Or look at it this way. It like building a car engine.
Without the knowledge, tools, pieces and someone to help, it would be impossible. But supposed you DO use the tools, you use the teacher, but you decide to leave out a couple parts. Still good right? Or decide to throw some parts in of your own in place of the parts you don’t THINK are necessary… it´ll turn out better, right?

Anyway, I was just excited to see life so black and white.
So anyway, I´m in love with missionary work! And Pão de quijo…
And I love all of you!!! Bummer I missed the birthdays, but I was sending you both lots of hugs and love!! What an adventure life is huh? And how fun we get to celebrate our journey! Yup yup yup. Blah blah blah.. I just realized how very missionary I am. Just LOOK at that sentence! There is a song we listen to and sing like every day that says “we may not know the end from the beginning we may not comprehend all the Father has in store… there is joy in the journey, joy in the fight.. in struggling we fiiiiiiiiiiind, there is JOY!”
Its so true though. Every step of this life is meant to be enjoyed, because there is a beauty in learning. A beauty in stretching ourselves and finding our limits far behind us! Anyway. KLOVEYOUBYE.
