Thursday, June 11, 2009


Yeah, sorry about last week. We had some miscommunication with the girls (aka the other sisters in the zone) and somehow ended up not having enough time to email. I was really sad, but here I am still alive, so I guess it wasnt such a big deal.
So things are going as they go! My new comp is from Forteleza, and apparently they have pretty beaches there. That has nothing to do with anything, but i thought Id mention it. Tomorrow is zone conference and i´m stoked about that, theyre always good. and it´ll be the last with pres. frie, so that should be interesting.
I was studying about faith the other day and found a really cool phrase:
"True faith cannot exist without obedience. In the same way, true obedience doesnt exist without faith."
So, upon pondering this, I realized that striving to be more and more obedient is how one develops faith.
Sometimes we do the right thing for the wrong motive- but like it says in Alma 32, sometimes it starts out with just the DESIRE to know. Just the desire to do right. The desire to have the motive.
But the Lord is merciful and gives us everything we need. He gives us the very best. But it is VERY dependent on us doing our part. He is JUST. Perfectly just. something Ive learned here on the mission is that the Lord´s mercy ISNT Him MAGICALLY giving us what we don´t deserve- it´s Him giving us the tools and opportunities TO deserve that which we want and need. His perfection is incredible.
Anyway, things are going well here. The weather has been perfect. Slightly cold. Its fantastic. Everyone laughs at me when I´m wrapped up in my sweater and shivering because they all know that where I come from COLD is an entirely different story. But I´ve already adapted, so what can y´do?
oh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Matthew this week!! And it looks like Chloe Dutcher had a birthday too! Oh my goodness she must be so big! Gwen! I miss your family, send me some pictures!!! xoxoxo
(lucas, i swear if i dont get a letter from you soon...)
Anyway, so yeah, life is good. I miss you all.
Até mais! -sb