Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Feliz dia de gracas
Well, well, well! I can´t believe thanksgiving is here already! today we´re going to have our own thanksgiving :) Although, we don´t have anyway to make pumpkin pie, I think it´ll turn out alright.So this past week has been a good one! It´s been raining like CRAZY here! I love it SOooOOo much! It´s crazy rain though, it comes down like there was no tomorrow! It´s weird, just before it rains it gets really HOT. I dunno why.This week I´m exceptionally grateful for my umbrella.. Last week we had zone conference, which as always, was fantastic. I learned a toN of things. One thing that I thought was interesting was this thought:Every person has what we missionaries call an “iceberg”. So their problems, their whole life story that we have NO way of knowing- without the help of either them (which is actually not all that hard to get them to TELL us their whole life story.. the problem is getting them to stop so we can teach them.. haha) AND the Holy Ghost.Anyway, in one of the trainings the Elder was saying that some missionaries are afraid to find their problem. Afraid to find the investigators “iceberg” -but that we NEED to find them. We need to seek them out SO that we can fix them. This really struck me, and I realized that it´s applicable to everyone. We need to FIND our problems to fix them. We need to FIND our kid´s problems to help them fix them- we need to find what our visiting teachee is struggling with so we can help her, or our home teaching family so we can help them. NEVER in a judging way, but with LOVE! Search not to condemn, but out of sincere concern and desire to help. But we can´t help with what we don´t know. The trick, however, is not to FINDING it-- it´s to praying earnestly and WORKING to receive the Lord´s guidance of HOW they need to be helped. This is the ESSENTIAL part.But I think it´s pretty much applicable to any stewardship. And as we know through the scriptures, we WILL inevitably give an accounting of all our stewardships in that last and great day. (D&C 72:3-4) Lets be prepared, shall we?
Oh, also- CHRISTMAS!! Wow! I got the Christmas package you guys sent (you as in mom and Randy & Chelsey)! *because you didn´t write “for Christmas” on the box, otherwise they would’ve given it to me at the Christmas party this upcoming Thursday.. but that´s ok, because now I wont have to cart the boxes back to my apartment *I can´t even begin to express my gratitude for the love and support that I felt just from LOOKING at those wrapped presents (don´t worry, I´m waiting until Christmas to open them XD) Thaaaaaank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!! I love you so much!!!!!!I feel so unworthy of the love you so mercifully give me. I am honestly in awe. I´m excited for the Christmas party though. It´s strangely early in the month, but hey, we live at the end of the world, its to be expected. Christmas day should be strange though, the hours will be like a regular pday, so we´ll study in the morning like normal, and then go back to work 6pm. We might have lunch at a member´s house, but I dunno. Still, it´ll be fun. It´s strange to think of doing anything without Sis. Sorenson, but it´s fun that she´ll be home with her family for Christmas.
There is a quote by Pres. Monson that I heard the other day that is pretty interesting. It´s simple but profoundly true (as quotes from prophets often go) “What we focus on, that´s where we will get results.”Along the same lines, Sis. Sorenson and I Were talking about how when we learn something- really learn it- it´s because we were paying close attention. A simple example: You ask what someone´s name is, but don´t really care a whole lot- you´ll forget it lickity split! But someone that you´re very interested in, or for whatever reason you pay close attention to what that name is—you´ll remember it.This concept really struck me because I realized, that´s true with EVERYTHING. ANYTHING we are really, truly, honestly paying attention to- we´ll remember.So we need to pay attention to the IMPORTANT things. That is the importance of prioritizing the things in our life. If we have already decided that food storage is a priority, we will find a way to increase our food storage.
Oooooh prioritizing. That´s something that my mind has been really stuck on this week. The NECESSITY of prioritizing our lives. The activities we engage in, and the people we do and don´t spend time with . As a missionary I meet a lot of people- and with every one, I get a glimpse of their priorities. I´ve learned a TON from these experiences. One thing that I have learned is this:the phrase “I don´t have time for ______” be it person, place or thing- it ALWAYS- without exceptions means: “It´s not on my priority list.” (or at least not that high up on my priority list.) Because the truth of the matter is, each individual is in charge of their own life. No one else forces them to live it- they decide who they will and wont listen to, who they will and wont spend time with, who the will or wont change their schedule for- WHAT they will or wont sacrifice time for.There is a quote by one of the prophets, I forget now which one, but Ive already mentioned it, but I´ll say it again because its applicable: “Any excuse, however valid, weakens our character.”And it´s true! There is this girl we are teaching. Her name is Fabiana- and actually she is going to get baptized tonight! And she is incredible. She does NOT have an easy life- but she is SO impressive in that she ALWAYS does what she says she is going to. Always. It´s not usually easy, and it´s not usually the most convenient, but she is a woman of her word. I know I have been soooooooooooooooo far from being a woman of my word- but I´m working hard to become one. Because that is honest. That is a beautiful expression of honesty- that is PRICELESS.
Anyway, I´m super excited for her. Her brother got baptized last Saturday, and that was cool. She was out of town though, otherwise she would’ve been baptized Saturday too.
I can´t remember now whether it was church or just a conversation I was having, but in anycase it got me thinking about this:
Following the prophets. There are big things and there are little things that we are asked to do- to follow in faith. In this conversation they were talking about the 2 pairs of earrings thing. But I got to thinking- what about food storage? I realized that food storage isn’t a question of convenience, nor wisdom- it is a matter of following the prophets or no. Just like tithing at times seems impossible, food storage seems like something that needs to be put off- but if the prophets asked us to do it, then it is NOT something to put off. Not only that, but the Lord PROMISES to provide a way for us to complete that which he has asked of us. So let us have faith like Nephi (1 N 3:7) And get our food storage TODAY!**steps off soap box, straightens suit jacket and politely tips hat at the attentive audience before walking into the empty alley way, kicking a pebble into the lonely puddles that paint the quaint cobblestone street.. **
uh.. anyway.. moving on..So the ward (*well branch*) Christmas party is coming up, and the 2nd councilor has decided we need a choir. Soooo, guess who is the choir director.. yep.. me.Only, Sis. Sorenson is leaving before the Christmas party, so for the actual PERFORMANCE- I´m going to play the piano,and Elder Maia will direct.I´m really excited! It´ll be really fun! I´m not exactly sure at this point what I´m going to do, but we´ve already had one practice, and everyone is really excited. Still embarrassed to raise their eyebrows, and still forgetting to stay sitting up straight, but it´s going to be fun. If anyone has any suggestions, we´re singing “the first noel” “joy to the world” and “O come all ye faithful”Elder Carvalho has yet to let me forget that I have broken my own rule (of not singing Christmas songs before thanksgiving..) But thankfully thanksgiving is this week, so I´ll be able to sing Christmas songs guilt-free :p
I guess that´s all for now. I love you. I love this gospel, and I am eternally grateful to be here.I hope something in this letter helps someone grow closer to our Heavenly Father.kloveyoubye- sb
Posted by Karen Samuelson Ricks at 10:55 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
uh huh
insert inspiring and informative letter here*
I´ve just spent the past 3 hours trying to get this STUPID computer to function properly. Suffice it to say:I am well.I am happy.I am grateful for all the blessings the Lord is giving me.The weather is delightful.Thanks for all the love I received this week, it was desperately needed.
I´ll write more next week when my head is spinning less.I love this gospel. I love Jesus Christ- and I know without a doubt that He is my savior. I´m grateful for the opportunity to share His love.
Read: Articles of faith by james e. talmege.
Go on splits with the missionaries.
Posted by Karen Samuelson Ricks at 3:51 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Have Faith
HheeeeeEEeeey there.Oh, there is so much I want to write. Ok. First off, I wanted to say: RAIN is now my favorite thing in the world. Yes, it´s been raining in JAnaúba. After 42º heat, we got some rain. Clouds, thunder- the works! It has been the BEST week ever.Ok, not in relation to EVERYTHING, but WEATHER wise- its been fantastic.A few fun things are going on… let me explainnnnnnnnnnnn ---we´re teaching English every Friday. That´s been fun. Last week we taught them a few words and then “I am a child of God” It was fun. ---we went to Montes Claros for a combined district meeting. It was so good! Everything I needed to hear! And then after it all, the directing elder said “so our closing hymn will be..” and another elder cut him off and said “a special number by sister blandon!” then eeeeeeeveryone looked at me and the zone leader was like “uh.. well.. could you?” so I sang “The Lord is my Light”. It was pretty funny. ----TOMORROW we´re going to the banana farm again! Yay! I´m just hoping it will still be raining. ---Pres. Frei has authorized us to listen to Jack Johnson!! So we listened to him on the ride back from Montes Claros. It was DELICIOUS. It made me miss michael. Oh, but it was so good.. Anyway, so that was nice.
Oh, we got an assignment of a few things to read before zone conference this month. So we got a part a book that James E. Talmage wrote (no, not Jesus the Christ) about Faith, and it is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! Everyone! Everywhere! Read this book! Faith is one of those things that we hear SO much about, and assume that EVERYONE has- to the point that we don’t even know what it is anymore (at least that’s how it´s seemed, and been with me.) But it really is ESSENTIAL to our lives and salvation. So, that´s my invite to all- find out what faith means to YOU! here are a few cool things I´ve found in my studies:---Faith is a desire! A decision! Faith is the works we give to the Lord to show our trust in Him. Faith is the secret of ambition, the soul of heroism, the motive power of effort.Faith is vivified, vitalized, living belief. Or as Albert Einstein said about the opposite of faith: Fear is a word man put on the absence of faith. Also, see alma 32, moroni 7:33, ether 3
Anyway, so faith is pretty amazing, and I really hope that everyone honestly takes some time to reflect on what faith means to YOU. Personally. Regardless of your which or any religion you are affiliated with- please, just take a minute. Or 5. or 55.
Anyway, moving on.. there is a cool example Sis. Sorenson uses for tithing, but it applies for worship on Sundays too, and maybe I´ve already told you, but I´m saying it again, because its just that good..
God gives you 10 oranges, and then asks for 1 in return. Is that selfish? Is He asking too much? But then, after you´ve given Him that one- He gives you orange juice in return.
Doesn’t that explain it so well??! Its so true too!!! Ah! I love it. I love how logical it is to obey the commandments of God.
oooooooh my, I have to tell you a story. It is so incredible.
So the members of the ward feed us everyday. And Sis. Sorenson makes the lunch calander every month. So, she schedules and then confirms with people to make sure they can give us lunch that day. So, one Sunday she was doing her rounds, checking with all of the sisters for their day to give lunch, and she started talking to Maurina. Maurina is a recent convert, and a single mom of 2 teenage boys, gillerme and Kaique. She hasn´t had a job for a while, so she said she didn´t know if it would work out to give lunch that day- but she really wanted to, so check back!So Sis.Sorenson, not wanting to nag her ( “so can you give us lunch now.. how about now.. now?”) eventually just scheduled someone else. Later we found out that the 2 boys (the oldest being 15) had sold popsicles in the street ALL week to earn enough money to feed us lunch that week.popsicles. ALL WEEK.So we RE-marked to eat there a couple days later, and Maurina was SO happy (the boys were too). She acted like we were doing HER a favor by being there! And it was DELICIOUS! It was a feast! She made it with SO much love and care. It was SO humbling. Seriously, these people are amazing. Then later that week there was a guy from a ward in Montes Claros who ate lunch with us on Sunday, and he was talking about how rich people don´t feed as well (or at least that’s how it was on his mission. I´m not saying that´s necessarily accurate EVERY where, but it’s the concept that is more important..) as poor ones and heres why:Because Rich people think that because they´re not hungry, no one else is. They don´t understand hunger- so they don´t have the capacity to help the hungry. Where as the hungry feed well because they understand hunger. They know how to succor the hungry.So in the long run, who would YOU rather be? Incapable of succoring those in need? I think not. I realized that the Lord sometimes allows us to go through trials because HE knows that we would rather help those in need than to have an “easy” life. I´m grateful for the experiences the Lord blesses us with.
Another thing I learned in my studies was about the need to “gather provisions”. In 3 Nephi 4 (vs 18 specifically) there is an example of a people who gathered up all of their provisions and then surrounded themselves with their armies and then STAYED there.The scriptures said they had enough provisions to last them SEVEN years.In the end they defeated their enemy because their enemies COULDN´T beat them. They tried to cut off their provisions and supplies, but they already had plenty- and so their enemies, almost starving to death, tried to fight them. But again, being so well prepared and organized, they were too strong. So the application here can go 2 ways:Temporally AND spiritually.We need to gather up our provisions both spiritually and temporally. In this example, these people were completely SURROUNDED by their enemies- but STILL it had NO effect on them because they were so well prepared. How many of us feel like we´re surrounded by our enemies? But our strength needs to come from the INSIDE out. Inside our minds. Inside our homes. Inside our wards. Inside our LIVES.So, like 2 nephi 32:3 says, feast on the words of Christ! But not just feast on them! Store them up! Learn them in a constant and diligent way so that you will have that knowledge to fall back on in times of need. That strength and provision- from INSIDE.Also: FOOOOOOOOOOOOOD STORAGE!!!!!!!!!! Is STILL extremely important. Really. Seriously.
Anyway, so yeah. I guess that’s all for now. A HUGE thank you to: Halei ludlow, Anita spainhower and Andrew Schafer for sending me snailmail letters! They were delicious. I´ll be writing you back shortly.
Posted by Karen Samuelson Ricks at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Pizza Buzz
Well Transfers have come and gone. Its interesting, transfers are like a mini mission call. The suspense, the fact that your future is in the hands of the Lord and you ONLY get to find out at a specific time.. Anyway, point is:I'm still kicking it in Janauba- WITH Sis. Sorenson! I personally am stoked to stick with her- and though it is a million degrees there in Janauba, I'm happy to still be there too. There's no hills.. no I'm just kidding, it's way more than that, I love the people.So that's that. Another 6 weeks in Janauba. IF they keep that area open after this transfer than I'll have been there for six MONTHS. Madness huh? But it's possible that they'll take the sisters out of Janauba after this transfer- BUT WHO KNOWS. All I knooow- all= I know is that I don't know nothing.. oh, wait no, I meant to say is it's all in the Lord's hands. It's funny though, we were SURE that at least ONE of us was going to leave- so we said goodbye to everyone.. that'll be a little awkward when we are there on Sunday and everyone will be like wow.. you're STILL here?... oh.. I mean it's good..:D hahaAnyway, pretty sure no one will believe Sis. Sorenson when she says she's leaving (though she's ending her mission at the end of this transfer- so she's FOR SURE leaving, haha..) As for me- who knows, maybe I'll be there for the rest of my mission! There is a sister here (who is going home tomorrow actually..) who spent a month and a half in an area, then left- then went BACK to that same area and stayed for 6 months= and then left, and then went BACK for her last transfer! That's NINE months of her mission in ONE area. So who knows, anything is possible. Oh my, I'm rambling..Last night we ate pizza. Usually they have a contest to see who can eat the most. I was determined to win. The record was 18- so I ate
6. Close though, yeah? Of course then I was throwing up for the rest of the night.. whoops.. I've learned a valuable lesson: over eating sucks
In any case, I hear that Obama won the elections, how does everyone feel about that?? (btw why didn't anyone tell me? - luckily Sis. Sorenson's family told her- I was SO so so so anxious to know.) Anyway, yay for politics.. (that is my response that I'm putting instead of alllll=lllllllllllllllll of my real thoughts that are bouncing around in my head=. I actually am really interested in politics.. but who has the time or means to keep up on politics on the mish? No one..)
I don't know what to write today. Usually I have a lot more to talk about, but for some reason my mind has gone blank. So I'll leave it at this:
I love this gospel. I love how perfectly logical it is- and how it makes more and more sense to me every day. I love seeing God's love for His children in every part of my life. I'm so grateful to know that He hears and answers our prayers. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints IS the church of Christ. There is no other. This testimony I have is strengthened by the logics and the miracles I'm seeing- but more than all this- this testimony is from the witness that God in His mercy has seen fit to give me, through the Holy Ghost.Jesus is the Christ. He is my Savior. He -and only He- has made repentance and mercy possible. I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who allows all -even someone as weak and selfish as I- to pour their hearts out to Him in any and every minute of every day. To HIM. Not to anyone else. There is no line to wait, no receptionist to go through, no process of elimination to find those that He has time for or are important enough. We can communicate directly to Him- and He is always listening.
I know He lives. I know He loves me. I know that Jesus Christ will return- and the calamities of the world today are a witness of that truth.
I love you all, and I hope all is well there. Thanks for the love and support. I miss you all. Be happy, be safe, remember who you are and what you stand in.
Posted by Karen Samuelson Ricks at 12:08 PM 0 comments